News and Events

  • Current Studies

    January 2025 Happy New Year!

    Join us for our study of Psalms Book 4 during the Corporate Worship Service. Pastor Matt has preached on the vengeance of God from Psalm 94 and the Superiority of the Lord from Psalm 96. Upcoming, he will be teaching on the Reign of the Lord: Psalm 99 and The Goodness of God: Psalm 100. Come worship with us at 11 am, as we learn more about the Lord’s character both for our edification and so we can accurately promote Him to our culture.

    During our 9:30 Bible Hour Pastor Matt continues to teach through 1 Timothy. This is an interactive study with comments and questions welcome from the congregation. Most recently, we have been reminded from 1 Timothy chapter 2 that we that we need to be a praying people and that prayers should be offered for all kinds of people, for unbelievers as well as believers (2:1-4).

  • Current Studies

    Pastor Matt is currently preaching through book four of the Psalms (Psalms 90 to 106). He has taught Psalm 90, discussing the brevity of life and the need to inject eternity into the temporal. God’s eternality is our anchor in a fleeting world, and we were challenged to make the most of our time. From Psalm 91 we learned that our proximity to God increases the probability of divine protection. Join us for this study during our Corporate Worship Service at 11 am.

    During our 9:30 Bible Hour we have just started a study on 1 Timothy. Join us for this informative Pastoral Epistle which reminds us of the importance of the church “the pillar and foundation of truth” and how we Christians “ought to conduct ourselves in God’s household”  (1 Tim 3:15).  

    December 22 will be our special Christmas service.

  • Current Studies

    Join us for our Fall Elective Classes which start on November 3. For three consecutive Sundays at 9:30 am you can join one of these classes: a study on 2 Thessalonians, a study of Galatians chapters 4 through 6, or Old Testament Survey. We encourage you to join us for our interesting electives!

    During our Corporate Worship Service, Pastor Matt is continuing his sermon series on the first six chapters of the Gospel of John. Currently, we are in John 6 and have seen how easy and it is to believe in the saving work of Christ.  Pastor Matt made the distinction that although it is easy to believe, it is a long and difficult road to grow in our sanctification. Our worship service begins at 11am.

  • Current Studies

    Pastor Matt is continuing to teach on “Apologetics: Answering Objections to Christianity” during our 9:30 Bible Study Hour. We have discussed the privilege of persuasion, the existence of God, textual evidence for the Bible as the word of God, and the validity of the resurrection. This week we will be discussing the problem of pain. Join us for this informative study!

    On October 20 & 27 we will have a two-week study during our Bible Study Hour entitled “How to think Biblically as a Citizen of America and a Child of God.” Three men from our church will present a panel discussion on general social and political ideas from a Biblical perspective. Come join us for these informative sessions as we look at issues from a Biblical Worldview.

    Our study on the first six chapter of John continues during our 11:00 Corporate Worship Service. Pastor Matt is currently preaching on chapter 6, as we see how feeding the masses confirms that Jesus is the Good Shepherd and how calming the storm exhibits his authority over creation. Just as the disciples looked to worldly metrics to solve their lack of bread, we need to add “trusting Jesus” to the issues in our life. Citing parallels with Psalm 23, we were reminded that Christ is enough, and he supplies our needs abundantly.  Pastor Matt reminded us that although anxiety is on the rise in our culture, we need to constantly draw closer to Christ and we will stand out in our society for our dependence on Him.

  • Current Studies

    During our 9:30 Bible Hour, Pastor Matt is beginning a series on “Apologetics: Answering Objections to Christianity.” This study will start on Sunday September 8.  Join us for this equipping and informative study!

    Our study on the first 6 chapters on the Gospel of John continues during our 11:00 Corporate Worship Service. From John 4, Pastor Matt has discussed how Jesus masterfully dealt with the Samaritan woman at the well. Through Jesus conversation with her, we saw how everyone has a context, everyone has worldly programming, and everyone has perceived and actual needs. The compassion of Jesus was on display when he stayed two days in this village. Are we as flexible in our schedules to what God is doing in our midst?  

    In John 5, Jesus defies convention and elevates compassion over man-made custom by healing the lame man on the Sabbath. He reminds us that the Sabbath was not made to oppress man, but rather the Sabbath was made for man to reflect on God’s grace. Jesus does not command the man to break Mosaic law, but He allows the man to break custom, or the interpretation of the Law which for the religious leaders, had become an unbreakable and infallible code of conduct. What are we giving unnecessary attention and disproportionate importance to which may be blocking God’s blessings and stealing our joy? Please join us to be challenged and encouraged by the Word of God on Sunday mornings as we study “The Word of Grace and Truth: John chapters 1-6.”

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