About the Pastor

Matt Kasper became a believer as a child at a Good News Bible Club meeting. It was later, in high school that he sensed a desire to enter into vocational ministry. After high school, he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Bible and Theology in May 1997 from the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. Halfway through this program, he married his high school sweetheart, Martha, on June 3, 1995.
After Moody, Matt attended Dallas Theological Seminary and earned a Masters in Theology degree with an emphasis on pastoral ministries, which he completed in August 2002. He has served in churches in Cleveland, Chicago, and Dallas, and for the last twenty-two years he has served in full-time pastoral positions in Lansing, Michigan and Atlanta, Georgia.
Matt is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society and of the Evangelical Training Association. Recently, Matt earned his PhD in History from Georgia State in December of 2023. His focus was on modern European History and American History and his dissertation explored the influence of apocalyptic thinking at the beginning of the German Protestant Reformation (1517-1525).
Matt and Martha have four children between the ages of 16 and 27. Their oldest son Josh is married to Kristen and they live in west Tennessee. Their second son, David lives and works in Huntsville, Alabama. Luke works in retail management and is the main pianist at church. Martha is still homeschooling their youngest, Anna Rose.