Whether we are working with teens, children, families, or our more “seasoned” saints, our goal is to help believers to grow in their faith, to strive for Christ-likeness, and to become more Biblically-grounded.
And we also recognize that our faith is not simply about what comes in to our minds during lessons, sermons, and through singing. Faith is also what we do with those truths, and how we minister to others in light of what we learn from God’s Word. We want our ministries to be opportunities for people to learn about and utilize their spiritual gifts. We want to be a church where people can see God work in tangible and dynamic ways as we serve and minister to one another.
While Grace Atlanta Bible Church may not have all of the programs and opportunities of bigger churches, we recognize that we can serve God with excellence. Therefore, we strive to be intentional about our teaching, education and outreach. We would love to have you join Grace and grow in your ability to serve God and apply the truths of His Word in meaningful and ministry-oriented ways.
Snapshots of Our Ministries
One of the distinctives of our church is our exegetical teaching. While we occasionally cover theological or practical topics, the majority of our teaching on Sunday morning is expositional, through books of the Bible. That way, the text sets the agenda for what topics will be discussed. We believe that God’s Spirit works meaningfully through the teaching and preaching of the Bible and that He uses careful, exegetical study to help believers understand His will for our lives. We also occasionally hold elective classes where some of our members can lead smaller Bible studies over a variety of Bible passages and theological topics.
Women’s Ministries
Grace Atlanta Bible Church’s Women’s Ministry desires to meet the needs of women by providing opportunities for solid Biblical teaching and supportive personal relationships. We want women to be equipped and encouraged so that we can face the challenges of godly living in a decaying society, prepared to serve the Lord in our families, our church and our community. Titus 2: 3-5
Our Women’s Council is the leadership team that will organize, coordinate and expand our women’s ministries at GABC. We are an intergenerational decision making team, dedicated to brainstorming and planning events which provide spiritual growth and connection with other women.
In short, our goal is to love and minister to women.
Men’s Ministry
The Men’s Ministry of Grace Atlanta Bible church strives to stand on three pillars: Fellowship, Prayer and Service
In today’s culture men often lack a deeper connection to other men, capable and willing to listen, share struggles and encourage each other. Through various fellowship opportunities, we strive to build relationships to provide the bond needed for today’s stressful life.
As men of God, we need to bring the petitions of our church members and families to the Lord through corporate prayer. We meet every week via phone conference line to bring these petitions and praises to the Throne of Grace.
1 Peter 4:10 calls us to serve. In this spirit, we engage Christian organizations where we can use our mental and physical skills to serve our community helping with any needs they might have.
Christian Care
Christians are not perfect; many have physical difficulties, family struggles, and many carry the worries, frustrations, and the heartaches of a fallen world around with them.
As a church, we not only want to be a place where we can equip Christian warriors with God’s truth, but also a hospital where believers can heal from the numerous hurts of this world with the balm of God’s compassion and truth expressed through other believers.
Much of our outreach is geared toward believers who want more from their faith, especially those who want deeper Bible study and who like growing in a smaller church where people can get to know one another better.
Of course, much of our outreach revolves around our desire to share the gospel with unbelievers who need to hear that God’s grace can only be received through faith in Christ; Jesus is the only way, truth, and life. Thus, we engage in evangelism in local parks and areas, in personal evangelism with friends and relatives, as well as community outreach efforts.
We also enjoy partnering with well respected, effective, Christian organizations where we can serve our community through opportunities in volunteering, teaching, food-drives and more. We love building lasting relationships with organizations like Neighborhood Co-Op, Good News Club and FODAC
Teens Ministry
We have a great group teenagers that God has blessed us with. They participate, serve, and grow in their faith along with the rest of us. We are excited that several of our teens have followed the Lord in baptism over the last few years. We are also grateful to be able to minister to a group of young people at a local high school.
Our teen group gets together throughout the year for service opportunities as well as events that are more geared toward fellowship, food, and fun! We take seriously the great opportunities to instill Christian faith, doctrine and practice into the hearts and lives of the next generation.
Global Impact
In addition to having an impact on our community, we also want to have an impact on the world! We recognize that God is a God of the entire globe and that He wants His truth, compassion and glory spread throughout the world.
For several years we participated with Operation Christmas Child, a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse, that delivers toys, clothes and toiletries to underprivileged children all over the world, and shares the Gospel of Christ and discipleship material with them as well. We also have a group of missionaries that we pray for regularly, and one missionary family that we support.