
9:30 Bible Hour Doctrines and Practices

During the Bible hour we are studying doctrines and practices of the church. Pastor Matt is leading a study over viewing GABC’s Doctrinal statement, which highlight the essential elements of Biblical Christianity. Join us as we discuss six fundamental doctrines including: The Trinity, Verbal Plenary Inspiration of Scripture, The Virgin Birth and Deity of Christ, The Vicarious (Substitutionary) Penal Atonement of Christ, The Literal Resurrection and The Literal Second Return of Christ. We will also discuss five non-negotiable practices of the church including: The Preaching of God’s Word, the Discipleship of Believers, the Evangelism of Unbelievers, the Refutation of Heresy and the Social Implications of the Gospel.  First hour is interactive with time for questions and answers.



  • Sunday, January 24, 12:15 PM: Fellowship Lunch
  • Thursday, January 28, 11:45 AM: Grace Men’s Lunch
  • Sunday, February 21, 12:15 PM: Prospective Members Information Lunch
  • Thursday, February 25, 11:45 AM: Grace Men’s Lunch
  • Saturday, March 13, 9:00 AM: Deacons Meeting
  • Sunday, April 4, 11:00 AM: Easter Service

9:30 Bible Hour: The Ten Commandments

Is morality relative? What allegiance do modern believers have to the Ten Commandments and why?

Come join us as we learn together how the Ten Commandments are optimized for people of faith. We will see that God gave law to a people He had already initiated a relationship with and redeemed from Egypt; this reminds the Israelites that obedience did not earn them a relationship with God; rather obedience was to be their response in faith to God’s rescue.  Since the morality of the Ten Commandments is rooted in the character of God himself, following them is a reflection of our exclusive loyalty to our Heavenly Father. Join us as we discover how God’s laws are gracious guardrails to guide us in our love toward God and fellow man. How deserving God is of our exclusive attention and worship!


Current Studies

What does it mean to trust God with the challenges of life? How should I respond to difficult situations? When concentric circles of problems surround us like a target, do we become more bitter or more faithful?

Join us as we study the book of Ruth during the 11:00 service as we see how a series of “downs and downs in life” impact Naomi’s faith in the Lord. We will see how faith and action are not contradictory concepts, but complementary ones.  We will learn that the most faithful people in Scripture are the ones who are most familiar with the loving kindness of God. In a culture that is self-obsessed, we see Ruth and Boaz’s faithful initiative as refreshing obedience.

How can we be more faithful to the Lord? The book of Ruth may just show us the way.


Current Studies

On Sunday mornings during our corporate worship service at 11:00, we are in a study of Hebrews, exploring the incredible implications of the superiority of Christ over all things. This is an important theological truth in an increasingly relativistic culture, and it has great practical implications in our lives, as well. You can hear some of our messages in this series on our Soundcloud page.

During the 9:30 Bible study hour we are finishing a study of Revelation, which is also a very relevant study in an odd year like 2020.