
Current Sermon Series

Please join us for our new sermon series called, “Wonderful Words of Life,” where we will focus on Biblical words associated with salvation and sanctification.  We will cover several terms like justification, regeneration and edification.

On the Sundays closest to Christmas we will be in Luke chapters 1 and 2. We would be delighted for you to join us for our worship service at 11 am.


Current Sermon Series

Just a reminder that we will not be meeting at our normal church location this week!

We will have a special service on Sunday, November 14 at 11:00 at Winters Chapel Baptist Church. We will have our own service at 11:00 in their fellowship hall, and then we will have a brief baptism service in their sanctuary from about 12:10-12:30.  Winters Chapel Baptist Church is located at 6625 Winters Chapel Road, Atlanta 30360.


Current Sermon Series

Please join us as Pastor Matt continues to teach through the book of Philippians. We have just begun chapter 4 as Paul reminds us to stand firm in our faith and live in harmony. Paul has exhorted the Philippians (and us!) to maintain a proper mindset and attitude, reminding us that our citizenship is in heaven (3:20) and that knowing Christ is better than any contrived human “confidence” (3:4, 8). Our morning service starts at 11 am. Come early at 10:30 to enjoy a cup of coffee and some conversation!


Current Sermon Series

We invite you to join us as our pastor continues to preach through the book of Philippians. Recently, we have studied how the apostle Paul states that our mindset and attitude should be humble, emulating the example of Christ (2:5-8).  We have been reminded that while it is our job is to be humble, it is God the Father’s job to do the exalting (2:9). We have been challenged that we are responsible to grow in our faith (2:12-13) and we should pursue sanctification in tangible ways. Paul writes that Christians are expected to live blamelessly and that grumbling and complaining are antithetical to our spiritual growth (2:14-15).  Join us this Sunday to be encouraged and fortified in your faith!


Current Sermon Study

Please join us on June 27, as we begin a new sermon series through the book of Philippians. Written while under house arrest, this letter served as Paul’s missionary “thank you” letter to the believers in the city of Philippi. Despite his circumstances, it brims with joy, encouragement, and exhortations to live with Christ-honoring conduct. He writes, “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.” Philippians 1:27. Come be fortified in your faith with the wisdom of pragmatic Christian living!



Sunday, June 27, 11:00 AM: We are beginning a study of Philippians

Sunday, July 4, 11:00 AM: Special Independence Day Service

Wednesday, July 7, 6:00 PM: Teens and Twenty-somethings Pizza and Game Night at the Pritchards

Saturday, July 10, 9:00 AM: Deacons Meeting

Thursday, July 22, 11:45 AM: Grace Men’s Lunch


Easter Sunday

We cordially invite you to attend our Easter church services this Sunday, April 4, as we celebrate the reality of the resurrection of Jesus Christ! Join us at 10:30 for our half-hour coffee break, where our guests and members have time to mingle, enjoy light snacks, and socialize. Our Easter service will begin at 11 am. Join us for the encouragement that the Bible provides for the true meaning of Easter- the Resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ.


Current Sermon Study

Join us as we start a new sermon series on the book of Amos, beginning Sunday Feb 28th at 11 am.

Amos is a prophet from the southern kingdom (Judah) who prophesies to the Northern Kingdom of Israel during the height of their economic prosperity, but when they were spiritually smug and morally corrupt. Idolatry, extravagance and oppression of the poor were common sights. Amos has a message of judgment against the nations, and especially against Israel for the consequences of their covenant rebellion. Learn about justice and righteousness (Amos 5:24) from the perspective of the sovereign Lord, who holds the destiny of all people in his hands.  As Amos states about God: “The Lion has roared, who will not fear? The Sovereign Lord has spoken- who can but prophesy?” Amos 3:8.



  • Sunday, February 21, 11:00 PM: Communion Service
  • Sunday, February 21, 12:15 PM: Prospective Members Information Lunch
  • Thursday, February 25, 11:45 AM: Grace Men’s Lunch
  • Saturday, March 13, 9:00 AM: Deacons Meeting
  • Saturday, March 20, 10:30 AM: Women’s “Coffee and Conversation” at the Kasper’s
  • Sunday, April 4, 11:00 AM: Easter Service

Current Sermon Study

Our current sermon series is on the single chapter book of Jude. Come learn from the half-brother of Jesus who warns his readers of dangers that lurk within the church. Discernment is necessary for all believers living in any age. Join us to hear how Jude urges Christians to “contend for the faith” (v 3) with effort and urgency. He reminds of us to keep the faith, to recognize the enemy within and to use discernment to recognize error. Are we contending for the faith in our generation? Are we committing our time, resources and attitude to work for the Lord and His glory?