
Current Studies

Deuteronomy 9:30 Bible Study Hour

Our study through Deuteronomy continues as we are reminded that humility and obedience are still the best ways to relate to God.  From chapter 7 we have been challenged whether we are pleasing to the Lord. Is He our top priority? We have seen how holiness should be a top priority for God’s people (Deuteronomy 7:6).  Pastor Matt has given us helpful guidelines to help us evaluate any activity we participate in. We should first ask ourselves: Will this help me become more holy? Does this activity somehow compromise my holiness? Am I partnering or cooperating with the world in a way that I should not be? Will this help believers around me become more holy? We will begin Deuteronomy chapter 9 on August 14th. Please join us!

1 Corinthians 11:00 Sermon Study

We have been studying managing Christian liberty and in chapter 8, we have been exhorted by the Apostle Paul to steward our freedom well. We have seen how liberty in Christ gives us the freedom to become a slave. With our freedom, our knowledge of God and His word, and our love for God and His people we can optimize our Christian service. Understood together, these concepts will prevent us from unnecessarily offending an unbeliever and help us avoid harming the spiritual grown of another believer (1 Corinthians 8:7-13).


Current Studies

We are continuing our study through Deuteronomy: Invading a Pagan Land with Holiness and Truth during our 9:30 hour.  Currently, we are in chapter 5 and we see how the Word of God was to stand out as the moral compass and ethical anchor for society.  The verb “shama” meaning “to hear” or “to listen” occurs 92 times in the book of Deuteronomy. Just as the Israelites were to listen to God’s commands, this verb reminds Christians that growing and maturing is directly related to our ability to listen to God’s word. Pastor Matt continues to explore the rich implications that Deuteronomy has for believers today. 

Our sermon series in 1 Corinthians continues at 11 am. We have been studying about pursuing contentment in the sermon “Staying in Your Lane” from chapter 7:17-31. We have learned that one of the values of singleness is the ability to leverage our freedom to serve God more fully. Next, we will be discussing “Balancing Spiritual and Worldly Concerns” from 1 Corinthians 7:32-40.


Current Studies

May 2022

Please join us Sunday, May 15th at 9:30 am when we start a new Bible hour series entitled Deuteronomy: Invading a Pagan Land with Holiness and Truth. Pastor Matt will explore the rich implications that Deuteronomy has for believers today.  

Our sermon series in 1 Corinthians continues at 11 am. We have seen Paul warn about the worldly thinking which causes church divisions, and the necessity to live rather, as a holy temple (3:16). The reminder that “the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight” (3:19) is refreshing in our culture. Pastor Matt continues the 1 Corinthians series, starting in chapter 4.


Current Sermon Series

Please join us on April 15 at 7 PM for a multi-church Good Friday service at the Lord’s House Community Church, located at 3060 Holcomb Bridge Road in Norcross. Pastor Joe Jackson is hosting this special evening which will feature mini messages from at least three pastors. The service starts at 7 pm.

Come celebrate Easter with us! Our special Easter service will be on Sunday April 17, 2022 at 11 am.

Pastor Matt will continue his “Ask Matt” series during the 9:30 Bible Hour through the month of April. He is answering difficult Bible questions and challenging theological issues emailed in advance from the congregation. After Easter Sunday, Pastor Matt will continue his sermon series through 1 Corinthians, starting in chapter 3.



Saturday, September 4, 9:00 AM: Deacons Meeting

Saturday, September 11, 8:30 AM: Mandatory Training for Good News Club Workers

September 25, 11:00 AM: Women’s Skill Saturday at Sharon Koster’s home

Saturday, October 9, 9:00 AM: Deacons Meeting

Sunday, October 24, 1:00: Men’s Football Party At the Kasper’s home



Sunday, April 3, 11:00: Good News Club Sunday!

Saturday, April 9, 9:00 AM: Deacons Meeting

Friday, April 15, 7:00 PM: Multi-church Good Friday Service at The Lord’s House Community

Sunday, April 17, 11:00 AM: Special Easter Service

Wednesday, April 20, 6:30 PM: Men’s Dinner at Lazy Dog


Current Sermon Series

The month of March is a great time to join us for the new sermon series on 1 Corinthians. Pastor Matt introduced the book on February 27th and we got a glimpse of how Paul is frustrated with the Corinthians for their tendency to get stuck in the tendrils of their culture. We too, need to be watchful that as we grown and mature in our faith that we are distinct from our culture, rather than blending in and become ineffective for Christ. Join us for this series on 1 Corinthians where Paul will remind us of truths and lessons that he communicated not just to the believers in Corinth, but to many other churches, as well (see 1 Cor 4:17; 7:17; 11:16; 14:33; and 16:1).  

On March 13 we start a new series called “Ask Matt” during the 9:30 Bible Hour. What is a difficult question that you have about the Bible, either about a particular passage or about a challenging theological issue? Send them to Matt in advance via email and he will study and do his best to tackle them during our 9:30 Bible study hour.


Current Studies

Come join us for our study of the Word of God!

We have two more weeks scheduled in our study of the life of Joseph from the book of Genesis (chapters 37-50) during our 11:00 service. We have seen how his life is a testimony of how God can accomplish His purposes despite the foibles and failures of people.  Indeed, God’s sovereign hand is behind the story of human actions. Join us as we study the reconciliation of Joseph with his brothers and Jacob’s blessings of his sons in chapters 48-50. Our next study will be a study of the book of First Corinthians.

During our 9:30 Bible hour we are surveying the book of Ecclesiastes.  In light of the brevity of life, how do we maximize meaning in life? The study is challenging us to remember that fearing and obeying God actually helps us enjoy life.  We are up to chapter 6, which may represent the depths of Solomon’s despair and discouragement, but we know how the book ends. Since we started Ecclesiastes in chapter 12, keeping the end in mind, we know that we need to “Carpe Diem Deus” (seize the day for the Lord).


Current Sermon Series

Join us for new studies in January!

Starting January 2, we start a six week study on the life of Joseph from the book of Genesis (chapters 37-50) during our 11:00 service. His life is a testimony of how God can accomplish His purposes despite the foibles and failures of people. God’s sovereignty always triumphs over the folly and immaturity of man.

During our 9:30 Bible hour, we are surveying the book of Ecclesiastes.  In light of the brevity of life, how do we maximize meaning in life? The study will challenge us to remember that fearing and obeying God actually helps us enjoy life!


Current Sermon Series

Please join us as we prepare our hearts to celebrate Christmas! Pastor Matt will be teaching highlights from Luke chapter 1 and 2 during the 11:00 worship service.  On Sunday December 12 we saw the Preparation for the King from Luke 1:1-45. On December 19 we will learn about Praise for the King from Luke 1:46-80 and on Sunday December 26 we will learn about The Presence of the King from Luke 2: 1-20. Remember that on Sunday, December 26th we will only have service at 11 am and no 9:30 Bible hour.