
Current Studies

Worship Service: We have completed our study through 1 Corinthians! On Sunday June 4, Pastor Matt will begin preaching through the book of James, in a study entitled “The Theology of Christian Practice.” Join us Sunday mornings at 11 am, as we are reminded from Scripture that our belief and behavior should be in sync.

Bible Study Hour: Starting on June 18, at 9:30 am Pastor Matt will begin a study entitled “Zechariah: Visions of the Kingdom” during Bible Study Hour. Come learn about this often-neglected prophetical book.  Until then, Pastor Matt is teaching a few weeks on the Theories of the Atonement of Christ.


Current Studies

Bible Study Hour: For the first three weeks in May, we will be having elective classes in our downstairs classrooms. Join us for either: Pursuing Wisdom from Old Testament Women (a class for women), Rescued from this Present Evil Age: A Survey Through Galatians 1-3, or Old Testament Survey.  Elective classes will meet on May 7, 14 and 21 from 9:30-10:30 am.

Worship Service: During our corporate worship service, Pastor Matt will continue teaching through 1 Corinthians.  From chapter 15 we have learned about the danger of doubting the resurrection, as well as practical implications of the resurrection. Not only does the truth of the resurrection blunt the threat of death, (v. 29-32) it motivates us to purity (v.33-34).  In June, Pastor Matt will begin a study on the book of James entitled James: The Theology of Practical Christianity.

We invite you to join us at Grace Atlanta Bible Church!


Current Studies

Please join us Sunday April 9 for our special Easter service as we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Pastor Matt will continue preaching through 1 Corinthians as we look at chapter 15. His sermon is entitled The Veracity of the Resurrection, part 2. Our worship service is at 11 am.

Our Bible Hour is from 9:30- 10:30 am. Pastor Matt will continue his study on “ships” of the Christian fleet. We have studied Lordship, Discipleship and Fellowship and will continue with Worship and Stewardship. From 10:30 to 11 am we enjoy coffee and snacks together during our Fellowship Break. Please join us!


Current Studies

During our 10:30 corporate worship service, Pastor Matt is teaching on Elijah: Portraits of a Prophet. On February 26th he began the study with A Renegade Prophet from 1 Kings 17:1-18:19. The rest of the series will be as follows:
  • March 5: A Clash at Carmel: 1 Kings 18:20-46
  • March 12: A Still Small Voice: 1 Kings 19:1-21
  • March 19: A Case of Study on Authority: 2 Kings 1
  • March 26: A Tough Transition: 2 Kings 2
Please join us for this informative study, as we see how Elijah not only stood out, but wisely and strategically engaged his culture.

Current Studies

During our 10:30 corporate worship service, Pastor Matt is teaching on Elijah: Portraits of a Prophet. On February 26th he began the study with A Renegade Prophet from 1 Kings 17:1-18:19. The rest of the series will be as follows:  

March 5: A Clash at Carmel: 1 Kings 18:20-46

March 12: A Still Small Voice: 1 Kings 19:1-21

March 19: A Case of Study on Authority: 2 Kings 1

March 26: A Tough Transition: 2 Kings 2

Please join us for this informative study, as we see how Elijah not only stood out, but and wisely and strategically engaged his culture.

In our 9:30 Bible Hour we have been learning about obstacles and objections to the gospel and how to navigate them. By looking at Christ’s example in John 4, we can glean many lessons on how the master used conversation to establish a connection, cultivate interest and direct the discussion to spiritual matters. Pastor Matt will continue this topic for one more week, followed by a study on the “ships” in the Christian fleet, like discipleship, fellowship and stewardship.

In our 11 am corporate worship service, Pastor Matt continues to preach through 1 Corinthians. We have seen recently from chapter 14 that our ministries should strive for maximum edification (v.1-5) and that we must pursue clarity in our teaching and outreach (v. 6-12). One of the reasons for gathering as believers is to continue to fortify our faith!  Scripture also teaches that our services should also encourage intellectual stimulation (v. 13-19) and should embody truth and maturity (v. 20-27).


Current Studies

It is a New Year and a great time to get back to church! Please join us for these encouraging studies as we grow together in our knowledge and love of the Word of God.

During the 9:30 Bible hour, Pastor Matt will be teaching on some shorter topics which will run three to four weeks each. Our first study will be on the Holy Spirit, then sanctification and finally Bible interpretation.

During the 11 am corporate worship service, we are continuing our study through 1 Corinthians. In chapter 12 we recently saw how humble participation in church should be a priority, and how serving others is based on mutual care and appreciation for one another. Using our spiritual gifts should drive our humility and not arrogance for we are all an integral part of the body of Christ. Also, our spiritual life is often tied to our involvement and investment in our local church.  On January 8th we will continue our study in 1 Corinthians chapter 13.


Current Studies

We are continuing our study through Deuteronomy in the 9:30 Bible Study Hour. We recently studied chapter 26, noting that obedience and actions declare what we believe. The nation of Israel was to obey God, by giving their first fruits of the land. This act was recognition of his blessing on the land, an acknowledgement of his grace, and also an inherent trust that more produce will come. Join us as we turn our attention to chapter 27 this week.

Last Sunday during the 11 am Worship Service, Pastor Matt reminded us that we are people of the book, people of ideas and content. Christianity is based not on feelings, but the reality of the Word of God and the work of Christ. Our study of 1 Corinthians continues as he challenges us from chapter 12 to not only know and use our spiritual gifts, but to help others identify their giftedness, as well.  On December 18 we will have a special Christmas service and then on December 25 we will not meet for services since the Cultural Arts and Community Center building will be closed.


Current Studies

With fall electives now done, we are continuing our study of Deuteronomy during the 9:30 Bible Hour. Pastor Matt resumes the study in chapter 20. Come and engage with the Word of God, which our study of Deuteronomy reminds us, should be the moral compass and ethical anchor for society. Humility and obedience are still the best ways to relate to God.  Join us, as we glean principles for right living from Deuteronomy.

Pastor Matt resumes his series in 1 Corinthians during the 11 am service. Recently, from chapter 10, we have been challenged to flee temptation and idolatry, seek selfless edification of others and pursue glorifying God in all of our endeavors. As Martin Luther has proposed, we are to pursue a “theology of the cross” which embraces humility and glorification of God, rather than self. So we have been urged to ask ourselves: In what ways are we not giving God glory in our lives? Where do we have opportunities to edify believers and witness to unbelievers? Come worship and learn with us about Christian conduct from this compelling book, 1 Corinthians.


Current Studies

Starting on October 9 we will have three weeks of electives during the 9:30-10:30 Bible hour. Choose the class that interests you!  Robert Pritchard will be teaching a Survey through Philippians and Matt Kasper will be teaching I Object! Answering Today’s Objections about God. Please plan to join us in the downstairs classrooms for these classes on October 9, 16 and 23.

Our Sermon Series on Joel continues at the 11 am service. We have seen how radical repentance is always a great response to personal difficulties and national disasters. From Joel’s words to Judah, we see that a destructive invasion should arrest our attention and elicit our sorrow (Joel 1:1-13).  Refocusing on the Lord involves pursuing personal purity and holiness and rending our hearts before the Lord should be an urgent priority (Joel 1:13-20, 2:12-14). God’s plan for prosperity includes living in gratitude for his blessing and in courage and joy because of his blessing (Joel 2:18-27). Join us as we continue to study this minor prophet for a few more weeks.


Current Studies

Pastor Matt is pausing our study in 1 Corinthians to preach a 6 week study on Joel entitled Finding God in National Disasters. This minor prophet reminds the people of his day that blessing only comes after repentance. Joel’s understanding of repentance is based on the “gracious and compassionate” character of God (2:13). This sermon series on Joel will begin on September 11. Please join us for service at 11 am.

We will continue our study of Deuteronomy: Invading a Pagan Land with Holiness and Truth during the 9:30 Bible hour, starting with chapter 13.