
Current Studies

Starting on October 9 we will have three weeks of electives during the 9:30-10:30 Bible hour. Choose the class that interests you!  Robert Pritchard will be teaching a Survey through Philippians and Matt Kasper will be teaching I Object! Answering Today’s Objections about God. Please plan to join us in the downstairs classrooms for these classes on October 9, 16 and 23.

Our Sermon Series on Joel continues at the 11 am service. We have seen how radical repentance is always a great response to personal difficulties and national disasters. From Joel’s words to Judah, we see that a destructive invasion should arrest our attention and elicit our sorrow (Joel 1:1-13).  Refocusing on the Lord involves pursuing personal purity and holiness and rending our hearts before the Lord should be an urgent priority (Joel 1:13-20, 2:12-14). God’s plan for prosperity includes living in gratitude for his blessing and in courage and joy because of his blessing (Joel 2:18-27). Join us as we continue to study this minor prophet for a few more weeks.