
Current Studies

Come join us for our study of the Word of God!

We have two more weeks scheduled in our study of the life of Joseph from the book of Genesis (chapters 37-50) during our 11:00 service. We have seen how his life is a testimony of how God can accomplish His purposes despite the foibles and failures of people.  Indeed, God’s sovereign hand is behind the story of human actions. Join us as we study the reconciliation of Joseph with his brothers and Jacob’s blessings of his sons in chapters 48-50. Our next study will be a study of the book of First Corinthians.

During our 9:30 Bible hour we are surveying the book of Ecclesiastes.  In light of the brevity of life, how do we maximize meaning in life? The study is challenging us to remember that fearing and obeying God actually helps us enjoy life.  We are up to chapter 6, which may represent the depths of Solomon’s despair and discouragement, but we know how the book ends. Since we started Ecclesiastes in chapter 12, keeping the end in mind, we know that we need to “Carpe Diem Deus” (seize the day for the Lord).