
Current Studies

“Faith that works produces works that could only come from faith.”

-Pastor Matt Kasper

Join us as for Sunday Morning worship at 11 am.  This week, September 3, Pastor Matt will be preaching in James chapter 3. As we study the book of James together on Sunday mornings, we have been reminded that our belief and behavior should be in sync. Our faith should be at work, energizing our service. The author of James is interested in the visibility of our faith, not in a show-off fashion, but in a humble, yet detectable manner. James pleads for us to do something with our what we learn, just as Abraham’s faith and works cooperated to optimize his belief and to validate this to others, including to God Himself (see James 2: 22). We invite you to join us as we worship and study the Scriptures together.

During our Sunday morning Bible Study Hour, we are continuing to study the Old Testament book of Zechariah. This hour is interactive with questions and comments welcomed from the class. Join us at 9:30 am for “Zechariah: Visions of the Kingdom.” We are currently in chapter 5.