
Current Studies

During our 10:30 corporate worship service, Pastor Matt is teaching on Elijah: Portraits of a Prophet. On February 26th he began the study with A Renegade Prophet from 1 Kings 17:1-18:19. The rest of the series will be as follows:  

March 5: A Clash at Carmel: 1 Kings 18:20-46

March 12: A Still Small Voice: 1 Kings 19:1-21

March 19: A Case of Study on Authority: 2 Kings 1

March 26: A Tough Transition: 2 Kings 2

Please join us for this informative study, as we see how Elijah not only stood out, but and wisely and strategically engaged his culture.

In our 9:30 Bible Hour we have been learning about obstacles and objections to the gospel and how to navigate them. By looking at Christ’s example in John 4, we can glean many lessons on how the master used conversation to establish a connection, cultivate interest and direct the discussion to spiritual matters. Pastor Matt will continue this topic for one more week, followed by a study on the “ships” in the Christian fleet, like discipleship, fellowship and stewardship.

In our 11 am corporate worship service, Pastor Matt continues to preach through 1 Corinthians. We have seen recently from chapter 14 that our ministries should strive for maximum edification (v.1-5) and that we must pursue clarity in our teaching and outreach (v. 6-12). One of the reasons for gathering as believers is to continue to fortify our faith!  Scripture also teaches that our services should also encourage intellectual stimulation (v. 13-19) and should embody truth and maturity (v. 20-27).