
Current Studies

On Sunday, February 9 we will have a special guest leading our service. Mark Landrum with International Mission to Jewish People will be leading a Seder Dinner Presentation. Come learn how the Passover meal points to Jesus the Messiah. Please Note: This will be a demonstration and not a group meal.

Pastor Matt continues to teach through 1 Timothy during the Bible Hour.  We have recently discussed how Paul’s instructions to women in chapter 2 are rooted in the creation order (2: 13-15). Male headship and authority is both a pre-fall concept and post-fall reality. Join us at 9:30 am for this study through 1 Timothy.

In our Corporate Worship Service, we continue to study from the Psalms. Join us at 11 am.  Here are some upcoming messages:

Feb 16: Walking in Truth and Integrity Psalm 101:1-8

Feb 23: God’s Care over Creation: themes from Psalm 104

March 2: Sins of the Fathers Psalm 106:1-27