
Current Studies

During the Bible Hour, Pastor Matt is teaching on the four key components of our church name. We are currently in “Bible” as we discuss how the Word of God is our lamp to our feet (Psalm 119:105) and how our time spent in the word of God has a purifying effect on our emotions and beliefs. The value for studying the Bible has lasting worth in this life and the life to come. Join us at 9:30 as we continue to study the Bible and then study the Church (Ecclesiology).

During our corporate worship service at 11 am, we are studying 1 Thessalonians. In chapter 4 we have seen how sanctification is an emphasis and Pastor Matt defined sanctification as “the process of taking something or someone corrupted, defiled and unhelpful and making them holy, pure and useful.”  He reminded us that we should “pursue with unrelenting dedication sanctification to maximize our usefulness to God.” Christians should be distinct from our world system and that this is not mere conformity of behavior, but it is a change that starts in the mind.  As we learn more about the Lord, our passionate pursuit should be holiness. You are encouraged to join us for this transformative study!