
Current Studies

Bible Study Hour: For the first three weeks in May, we will be having elective classes in our downstairs classrooms. Join us for either: Pursuing Wisdom from Old Testament Women (a class for women), Rescued from this Present Evil Age: A Survey Through Galatians 1-3, or Old Testament Survey.  Elective classes will meet on May 7, 14 and 21 from 9:30-10:30 am.

Worship Service: During our corporate worship service, Pastor Matt will continue teaching through 1 Corinthians.  From chapter 15 we have learned about the danger of doubting the resurrection, as well as practical implications of the resurrection. Not only does the truth of the resurrection blunt the threat of death, (v. 29-32) it motivates us to purity (v.33-34).  In June, Pastor Matt will begin a study on the book of James entitled James: The Theology of Practical Christianity.

We invite you to join us at Grace Atlanta Bible Church!