
Current Studies

We are continuing our study through Deuteronomy in the 9:30 Bible Study Hour. We recently studied chapter 26, noting that obedience and actions declare what we believe. The nation of Israel was to obey God, by giving their first fruits of the land. This act was recognition of his blessing on the land, an acknowledgement of his grace, and also an inherent trust that more produce will come. Join us as we turn our attention to chapter 27 this week.

Last Sunday during the 11 am Worship Service, Pastor Matt reminded us that we are people of the book, people of ideas and content. Christianity is based not on feelings, but the reality of the Word of God and the work of Christ. Our study of 1 Corinthians continues as he challenges us from chapter 12 to not only know and use our spiritual gifts, but to help others identify their giftedness, as well.  On December 18 we will have a special Christmas service and then on December 25 we will not meet for services since the Cultural Arts and Community Center building will be closed.