
Current Studies

Deuteronomy 9:30 Bible Study Hour

Our study through Deuteronomy continues as we are reminded that humility and obedience are still the best ways to relate to God.  From chapter 7 we have been challenged whether we are pleasing to the Lord. Is He our top priority? We have seen how holiness should be a top priority for God’s people (Deuteronomy 7:6).  Pastor Matt has given us helpful guidelines to help us evaluate any activity we participate in. We should first ask ourselves: Will this help me become more holy? Does this activity somehow compromise my holiness? Am I partnering or cooperating with the world in a way that I should not be? Will this help believers around me become more holy? We will begin Deuteronomy chapter 9 on August 14th. Please join us!

1 Corinthians 11:00 Sermon Study

We have been studying managing Christian liberty and in chapter 8, we have been exhorted by the Apostle Paul to steward our freedom well. We have seen how liberty in Christ gives us the freedom to become a slave. With our freedom, our knowledge of God and His word, and our love for God and His people we can optimize our Christian service. Understood together, these concepts will prevent us from unnecessarily offending an unbeliever and help us avoid harming the spiritual grown of another believer (1 Corinthians 8:7-13).