
Current Sermon Series

The month of March is a great time to join us for the new sermon series on 1 Corinthians. Pastor Matt introduced the book on February 27th and we got a glimpse of how Paul is frustrated with the Corinthians for their tendency to get stuck in the tendrils of their culture. We too, need to be watchful that as we grown and mature in our faith that we are distinct from our culture, rather than blending in and become ineffective for Christ. Join us for this series on 1 Corinthians where Paul will remind us of truths and lessons that he communicated not just to the believers in Corinth, but to many other churches, as well (see 1 Cor 4:17; 7:17; 11:16; 14:33; and 16:1).  

On March 13 we start a new series called “Ask Matt” during the 9:30 Bible Hour. What is a difficult question that you have about the Bible, either about a particular passage or about a challenging theological issue? Send them to Matt in advance via email and he will study and do his best to tackle them during our 9:30 Bible study hour.